Friday, December 26, 2008


From preliminary sketch to finished cover, here's how the Johnstown Magazine cover came to be. After picking from a couple sketches of my character, The Johnstowner, I went with this design.

After the initial loose pencil image was approved, I went into the inking stage....

After that, I did the coloring using more of an old school flat coloring style.

Then, I sent it off to the talented Kim Williams who used her graphic design skills to set the logo and lettering. And there you have it...


The January issue of the JOHNSTOWN MAGAZINE has an article on local comic book artists and cartoonists. (If you're a subscriber you should already have it) If not, it will be hitting stands on about December 31. Until then, you can check out for a snippet.

Once the issue is released I'll be posting the step by step pencils to color version of the cover I did.

Monday, November 24, 2008


....coming in January.

copyright K. Brandon Wilt. All rights reserved

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

.....and the kitchen is CLOSED! is now apparently shut down. I blame the sacrilegious and highly offensive comic strips. ( or most likely lack of marketing)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I have a new apparently "controversial" strip up at . Which was offending people even before it was posted. But if you are offended, feel free to e-mail me. If I have enough complaints.....I'll put the image on t-shirts.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Babies screaming? Ears Bleeding? That's RIGHT! That's my voice you'll be hearing Monday (Sept 29...i think) around 7:15 on the NTJ MORNING MAGAZINE simulcast on 1490 am and 990 am! I'll be talking funny books and movie adaptations, pimping my own art, and not mentioning the store BENT WOOKEE COMIX (located at 127 Fairfield Ave. Johnstown PA. (814)539-0085)

Thanks Dave Charles! Sorry for the profanity...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Looks like all the kinks have been worked out of the Free Food comic strip. You can actually see it now! Here's a link to it:
There'll be a new one next issue.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Thanks for the recommendation from Kenneth Whitfield over on the Steve Niles forum. The call was for horror artists....and it seems my work is getting some people's attention.

The June Archive has sequential pencil samples.

And one good turn deserves another! You can check out his latest short story at:

Sunday, July 20, 2008 is the Tribune Democrat's new online alternative city paper for the Johnstown area. If you've been getting the paper you may have seen ads showcasing surly elderly people with the tag-line "Offending 10% of our readers". Now ya know what they're talkin' about.
Why am I posting about this? Although surly, I'm not elderly.

But I have been saddled with?....drafted?....recruited?...honored by Ms. Perkosky to do a monthly comic strip. Something "hip, irreverent, sarcastic, scathing, just plain weird.."

Check it out, maybe you'll laugh. If not, there's probably something really wrong with you. Either way, the site is full of some really cool stuff. And hopefully they will fix it soon so you can see it at a reasonable size....

Thursday, July 03, 2008 episode # 465 podcast gives a shout out to the "Stranger in Town " story at the end. Almost gets my name right, too.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I got to see some of the pages I penciled and inked, colored for this project....and they look great! Check out more info on

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Page from the short story "Stranger in Town" by Kenneth Whitfield for Richard Stahnke's "WHEN DRIVE-INS ATTACK"

Friday, January 11, 2008